Tajweed Reflections from a Trip to the Ocean

1. Does the ocean make the fish smell fishy, or do the fish make the ocean smell fishy?

2. People who stare at you (because you are wearing hijab, or cause you’re just weird in some other way) are just waiting for a smile. One lady was staring really hard, so I did what any exotic zoo animal with a sense of humor would do. I waved. 

3. All Quran schools should be moved to the ocean shore. The movement of the waves will calm the teachers’ nerves.

4. One of my Shyookh said that Tafkheem and Tarqeeq is like the rising and falling of the waves. I don’t know if he realized how accurate that metaphor is. The sizes of the waves are just like the degrees of Tafkheem. (Field trip idea for Tajweed students?)

5. The waves push hard when you stand in their way to the shore. They push you because you stand in their way of submission to Allah’s command, to reach the shore every time in sujood. Note to self: Always check my niyyah when pushing hard for something I want. Is it out of submission, or is there something for the self in it?